Benga - UK moving the world (Interview)

This an interview with Benga conducted not too long ago that he has posted on his twitter. Nothing like an artist that enjoys what they do everyday.

You are one of the UK’s (and the worlds) most prolific Dubstep producers. How do you feel about that?

I feel amazing. I’ve been making music a long time and I think its nice that people think of me that way!

If you were not rocking the nightclubs at the weekend what would you be doing?

Wining and Dining a lady all day.

The Dubstep sound you play was born out of pirate radio, were you involved in the early days, did you play on any pirate stations?

Yeah definitely. In the early days I used to play on Flight FM. That was one of the biggest in the underground UK Garage scene.

What music do you listen to when on the way to a gig?

I always have my Ipod when I’m travelling. There’s so much stuff on there. Recently, I’ve been listening to a lot of A$AP Rocky.

As a DJ / Producer you must of travelled a lot of air miles, do you get first class seats now or do the promoters stick you in coach? Do you enjoy the travel?

I love being in different cities throughout the year but I don’t like getting on planes! Whenever I fly I’ve always got to be really comfortable.

When on your way to a gig, what’s been your biggest travel disaster?

Definitely en route to a show in Moscow, just I was about to board the plane I realised I’d left my CDs at home and there was no way of changing the flight because I would’ve missed the show. Disaster.

Do you prefer walkers crisps or kettle Chips? Kettle Chips all day long. What country that you play in has the funniest dancing?

UK scene without a doubt.


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